G-10-1. Komödie. I hope you are not too offended. Comedy can sometimes offend!
G-10-1. Hast du Lust. Click for Michelle's song.
G-10-1. Krimi. This is in English, but it really brilliant.
G-10-1. Liebesfilm. Click for Otto, der Liebesfilm. Okay, it's a comedy, but it's a "meet the parents" moment found in many romantic stories.
G-10-1. Liebesfilm. Click for Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel. Dated. Low tech. But a great iteration of the classic story.
G-10-1. Science-Fiction-Film. Click for an old war-era film.
G-10-1. Horrorfilm. Click for a campy trailer.
G-10-1. Trickfilm. Click for Walter Moer's Adolf in der Bonker. Warning: Cartoonish nudity.
G-10-1. Kriegsfilm. Click for a trailer.
G-10-1. Abenteuer Film
G-10-1. Komödie. Dinner for One. This is only for culture. Many Germans watch an old British comedy skit in English on New Year's Eve. It's quite a tradition.
G-10-2. Strand (and lustig). This old song was really popular when I worked as a waiter in Niendorf am Ostsee.
G-10-2. Zoologischer Garten.
G-10-2. Zoologischer Garten. Niendorf boasts a really nice Vogelpark. If I remember right, they have the world's largest collection of owls. Click to see.
G-10-3. Strandkorb.
G-10-3. Meer und Windsurfen.
G-10-3. Strandkorb.
G-10-3. Ferienhaus. Doesn't show the house but it's too cute to pass up.
G-10-4. Faulenzen.
G-10-4. Luftmatratze.
G-10-4. Drachenfliegen. Movie talk idea.
G-10-4. Zelten.
G-10-3. Sonnencreme benutzen.
G-10-5. Bauernhof. Click for a video. There is a whole series of these. This is the type of vacation Sabine wants.
G-10-5. Bauernhof.
G-10-5. Ente. Click for Alle Meine Entchen by the Wise Guys. Warning: Contains an F-bomb. Otherwise it's a fun song. Perhaps you could get a tech-savvy student to edit out that word.
G-10-5. Esel. Click for a simplified version of the Bremer Stadtmusikanten. Great culture! Great practice!
G-10-5. Esel. Click for the song der Kuckuck und der Esel.
G-10-5. Click for the song Keine Milch im Kuhstahl.
G-10-5. Melken. Click for an off-color joke.
G-10-5. Melken. Click for another off-color joke.
G-10-5. Melken. Click for another off-color joke.
G-10-5. Bauernhof. This was used in one of the stories.
G-10-6. Ohrfeige.
G-10-6. Reden ist Silber. Schweigen ist Gold.
G-10-6. Schifahren. Hermann Maier. "The Hermanator"
G-10-6. Schlittschuh laufen.
G-10-7. Löwe.
G-10-7. Vogel.
G-10-7. Nashorn.
G-10-7. Schlange.
G-10-8. Flusspferd.
G-10-8. Strauß.
G-10-8. Krokodil.
Das Kleine Küken Piept
I made a series of videos dealing with gender and case. It's a bit weird and my pronunciation is off, but some find it easier to understand than a traditional approach. Click for powerpoint to accompany.