G-4-1 Blühende Geschichte G-4-5 Blühende Geschichte
G-4-2 Blühende Geschichte G-4-6 Blühende Geschichte
G-4-3 Blühende Geschichte G-4-7 Blühende Geschichte
G-4-4 Blühende Geschichte G-4-8 Blühende Geschichte
G-4 Click for Melanie Bruyers' Learning Targets
G-4 Preliminary Notes. Click for a sample of what I show students.
G-4-1. If Sabine und Michael were a bit younger, I'd have them carry these Schultüten and these elementary school-
style Schultaschen to school. In any case, good cultural note.
G-4-2. Click for a handy site on the German school system. Note: 13th grade in the Gymnasium seems to be phasing out.
G-4-2. Click for another handy site about the German school system. I should also note that many schools in former East Germany use a different system with a Sekundarschule from 5th to 10th grade.
G-4-2. Click for a video that shows the German school system as explained by a German in English.
G-4-2. Klassenzimmer. Typical 2-person desks. Chalkboards still very common.
G-4-1 Schultasche. Video Tag: Was habe ich in der Schultasche?
G-4-2 Stundenplan. Click for a handy site to create a Stundenplan like the
one below. Great idea for homework. Note: German schools are getting away from Saturday classes.
G-4-3. Mensch! Das ist ja ein Lineal!
G-4-4. Click for Melanie Bruyers' story.
G-4-4. This is Brigitte in Frau Schulz' Math class!
G-4-4. Hasst. Click for Rammstein's Du Hasst Mich. I don't care for the darkness of the song, but my students enjoy this when I teach hasst.
G-4-5. An attempt at explaining how to tell time in German.
G-4-6. Brennt. Hurra! Hurra! Die Schule brennt by Extrabreit. Very 80's!
G-4-6. Religion in der Schule!
G-4-7 Ich bin ein Musikante.
G-4-7. Flustert. In a modern sort of way.
G-4-7 Besteht die Prüfung.
G-4-7. Klatscht. We have adopted this into English.
G-4-6 Extended Reading.
G-4-8. Zeugnis. What to do about bad grades?
G-4-8. Zeugnis. Michael's supposed report card.
G-4. Sample oral.
Below is a sample oral from one of my students. I really like the richness of the langauge he usues and the fact that a few things go wrong in the video but they don't phase him at all. His language ability even in the 7th grade is sufficient to carry him through.
G-4. The reading Schmiere is loosely based on Grease.
G-4-2. Click for a tutoring sheet.
G-4-3. Click for a tutoring sheet.
G-4-4. Click for a tutoring sheet.